Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Night Before

The bags are packed. The errands are done. The documents are printed.

Tomorrow, I will fly to warmer climes with the purpose of running the 6th annual Rock n' Roll Arizona marathon. It was September when I came up with the idea, and I have to admit that at that time, I thought the chances of me actually lining up race day were no better than 50-50 given my history of trying (and failing) this task. Only four days to go now, and as of this moment I'm still fully intending being there. Yes, I'm hobbled, but all in all I should probably count my blessings I've made it this far and stop whining.

That being said, my leg was still very sore this morning, though it improved considerably as the day went on. I read that new injuries are not uncommon during the taper, because of how the body begins to heal from the weeks of building mileage. Maybe I'm grasping at straws believing that, but I'll take what I can get at this point. I'm not thrilled about the timing of this most recent roadblock, obviously, but am hopeful that if I rest up and am sensible about the remaining time that I will be able to muscle my way around come Sunday. It might not be pretty, but I'm not pretty to begin with, so who cares, right?

The flight leaves KC at 10:17am tomorrow and, after a brief stop in Denver, I'll arrive in Phoenix at around 2pm local time. The plan is to just head for the hotel, take it easy and try to get some sleep. It might not be glamorous, but I'm not glamorous to begin with, so.... well, you know.


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