Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Daily Log 1/7/09

Distance: 6.21 miles
Time: 57:47
Pace: 9:18/mile
Weight: 194lbs
Terrain: Rolling Hills
Temperature: Cold and calm
Gear: Long-Sleeved Gobbler Grind Shirt, Adidas running fleece, Adidas long training pants over Adidas running shorts, K-State Stocking Cap, iPod Shuffle, Nike Air Zoom Vomero Shoes
Hydration: None
Fuel: None
Medical: Shins
Recovery: Stretches, ice, Aleve
Shoe Mile Count: 6.21 miles
Days until Marathon: 11

As you can see from the shoe mile count, I stepped up and bought a new pair last night. I figured even if I could get by without them until the marathon I'd need them soon after anyway, so might as well see if they'll do me any good right now. The verdict? Well, it's not in yet. There's no doubt they felt softer, and my shins - which were sore again - appreciated it. On the other hand, my feet, particularly around the ball on the left foot, were in a certain amount of discomfort. I will run in these again tomorrow (or Friday) and on my 8 mile run at the weekend. If they don't feel a bit more broken in after that, I'm going to switch back to the old ones for the last couple of runs and the race. It's possible I left it too late to change, but no big deal if so. The old ones are still serviceable and it'll keep at least a few extra miles off them by cycling in the others.

My shins were sore for good portions of this run, particularly the right one, and were it earlier on in the training cycle I might be more concerned. Thing is though, at this point, barring a broken leg, I'm doing this race. I've worked too hard to give up now because of some fairly mild shin splints. So although it was, like yesterday, a tad uncomfortable, the injury didn't concern me overly.

I did however feel very tired on this run, and even a little burned out. This could be just a hang over from Sunday's long run (and the 20 miler the week before), along with perhaps not hydrating as well as I should have, and even wearing clothes that were a little warm for the conditions, so I'm trying not to read too much into the ennui. Still, there's a certain amount of relief that the race is now just around the corner. I'm ready for this to be done. Sure, I'll keep running (I hope), and do other races, maybe even another marathon one day, but at this moment, I'm feeling the mental and physical grind.

Please visit my 'Make Cures Happen' fundraising page and make a donation for research into leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Also, check out my blog entry for more.

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