Saturday, October 11, 2008

The New Shoes

Another off day, one I spent in Lawrence, KS where I watched the Kansas Jayhawks defeat the Colorado Buffaloes 30-14. The game was fun, and free, thanks to a hookup from Jill's mom, although my so-fair-it's-transparent skin didn't fare particularly well in the midday sun.

More importantly, and relevant, for my current journey, while there I bought a new pair of shoes. Although I won't officially break them in until after next week's relay race, it's really only my second "proper" pair of specialized running shoes. My old Asics still have a little life, but, after 300+ miles, and having walked around a little in the new guys, I can tell they've lost a lot of their original bounce. So yes, a big day.

Nike Air Zoom Vomero - how catchy - is billed as mirroring the pressure path of barefoot running (but presumably omits the stepping-on-broken-glass-bottle pain that sometimes accompanies it). They feel like little foot pillows of joy. Hopefully running in them is as fun as chasing Meadow on the hardwood floor (picture one of those Tom and Jerry cartoons where Tom steps on two pairs of roller skates that Jerry has cunningly left in his path. A mass of flailing limbs and eager stupidity). The pocketbook might be a little lighter, but I don't believe you can scrimp when it comes to the most important piece of gear in a runner's inventory. You wouldn't play football in styrofoam pads after all would you?

I also stocked up on Bodyglide. Anything that can chafe will chafe on a long run, and I for one am not ready to start walking like Jack Palance just yet.

Meanwhile, Jill purchased a strap for her knee. It sounds like she has something called Iliotibial Band Syndrome, a common runner's ailment. Hopefully this helps. She also bought a light to wear during night time running. It flashes like a broken neon sign and seems rather bulky to me, but if anyone can pull it off, she can. :-)

Tomorrow's this week's long run - 7 miles. My left shin has ached just a tad today, but I was on my feet a lot, so I'm hopeful that it's something that will subside with a night's rest.

Oh, and if anyone's curious, last night involved several beers, a couple of mixed drinks and a Tuaca shot. Enough for me to accidentally lose my debit card at the bar, but not quite enough for me to lose the plot. So nyah.

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