Friday, October 31, 2008

The Monthly Log 10/31/08

Number of Runs: 17
Total Distance: 78.54 miles
Total Time: 12:58:12

Longest Run: 8.09 miles
Avg Distance: 4.62 miles
Avg Time: 45:36
Avg Pace: 9:52/mile
Medical: Shins, calves, left heel
Events: Kansas City Marathon Relay - 10/18 (7 miles)

Days Until Marathon: 79

It's Halloween. Olive is dressed as a bumble bee and Meadow has the bee's antennae around her neck, something that's causing her great frustration, and us some amusement. It's also the end of a month, so here's my first monthly log.

17 runs, and you can probably add about 5 additional days of cross training to that total (exercise bike and swims), so 22 workouts in total. That might not make me the next Olympic decathlete, but it's not bad for an old fatty like me. More than a run every two days. I also competed in my first marathon, albeit only a little more than a quarter of it. I went to my first expo, stood at my first finish line, was given my first medal, and ate my first post-marathon meal. Yep, October was a big month.

Through the course of this month, pretty much every part of both of my lower legs has hurt at one point or another, but now, on October 31st, only my right shin is causing me any significant discomfort. Today and tomorrow are rest days, and it does feel somewhat better today, but I won't know for sure until I run again. It could go either way.

I've been training for almost 3 months now, and there's almost three more until I run. I've come a long way, but still have a long way to go. In marathon terms, I'm just about at the 14 mile marker. I'm kind of sore, but I'm still running and I'm still hopeful.

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