Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Wrong T-Shirt

Today I signed up for the Gobbler Grind Half-Marathon next month (see picture). Usually, with these online sign-ups, I am very meticulous, but for some reason, I rushed through this one, and inevitably made a rookie mistake.

I maybe many things, but a small-sized t-shirt wearer I am not. Personally, I think large should be the default, but that's another issue. I messed up, and now might end up with a t-shirt that will make me look like a pickle in a straw wrapper. I emailed the race director, so hopefully it can be changed, but these small races aren't the most reliable, so I might end up with a useless item of clothing for my troubles. Ordinarily I wouldn't care that much, but these are long-sleeved technical tees, which means I could actually wear it on runs during the winter, so it would be quite useful.

Leaving aside my idiocy, I am pleased that I have another tuneup on the books. It will, as I have mentioned before, fit in quite well with my training schedule, and should give me some more good experience.

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